How we process your personal data stored by Meduza
In certain cases, Angels IT Group (or, to be more precise, the company Angels IT, or “we”) collects personal data from its readers and processes it. In this document, we describe what we process and how we do it. We apply these principles provided that the readers agree to use Angels IT services.
Terms used in this document
Пользователь — любое физическое лицо, которое посещает сайт

User data refers to any information concerning the user known to Angels IT Group

Personal data refers to any user-related information.

Processing refers to the collection, storage, change, provision of access to, and transfer of user personal data.
Our basic principles
We ensure the confidentiality of personal data and apply all necessary organizational and technical measures to protect personal data. In certain cases, Angels IT Group engages its partners in personal data processing, and transfers this data to them. In these cases, we make sure that adequate security measures are taken. It means that we do not transfer any data to partners whose data storage principles seem doubtful to us, or if we know that these principles substantially differ from those provided for in this document.


How Angels IT Group uses cookies Keeping it as simple as possible
Categorization of personal data processed by us
We may store personal data of two types:
  1. Identification data, including first name, last name, and IP-address.
  2. Contact data, including user email.
Why we do it
We process personal data for several reasons:
  • To make the website more user-friendly.
  • To collect statistics. We need it for two things:  to keep track of whether our services are available to visitors, and to understand how users use our site.
We only use the data collected from you (first and last name in chats, email address for newsletters), subject to your consent to the principles of processing this data.
Those who can get access to personal data
As already mentioned above, sometimes we transfer personal data to our partners, while taking adequate measures to ensure their security. For instance, we transfer data to mailing services, or analytics systems.

Storage periods for various data may differ
  1. Personal data allowing us to analyze service availability is stored for three months. 
  2. Personal data required to enable chat operation is stored until you choose to cease using chats. If you wish us to delete this data, please write us an email, and we will delete your profile.
Personal data stored by us is not used to personalize anything anywhere (in the language of law, it means that we do not take any automated decisions, and do not create any profiles based on this data).

What users are entitled to
  • Firstly, users have an opportunity to amend their personal data if it is incomplete and/or incorrect.
  • Secondly, users have the right to request the deletion of their personal data.
Thirdly, if a user thinks their rights and interests were breached, they may file a claim. We will do everything possible to remedy the situation. For this purpose, please send us an email at
P.S. This document may be subject to change!
We have the right to change the above principles at any time on a unilateral basis. We are not going to do this secretly — instead, we will warn our readers about it at least a month before any changes enter into force, right here on this page.